American Academy for Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine (AACPDM) ICF Core Set for Adults with CP

ICF Core Sets for the assessment of functioning of adults with cerebral palsy

Citation: Noten S, Selb M, Troenosemito LAA, Thorpe DE, Rodby-Bousquet E, van der Slot WMA, Roebroeck ME, ICF Core Set for Adults with CP Consensus Group. ICF Core Sets for the assessment of functioning of adults with cerebral palsy. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2022;64(5):569-77. doi: 10.1111/dmcn.15104. epub 2021 Nov.

Study type / Population: An iterative decision-making and online consensus process involving 25 participants (either professional experts in the field of CP (clinicians or researchers) or adults with CP/their families), based in six WHO regions. Participants considered the value to CP care of individual ICF (International Classification of Functioning) components and arrived at consensus on a set of components to be routinely considered for adults with CP.

Key findings: The ICF (International Classification of Functioning) is an internationally accepted reference for assessing and reporting functioning. Consensus was achieved on a brief (33 categories) and comprehensive (120 categories) ICF Core set, including a wide range of categories and representing the heterogeneous adult population with CP. 34% relate to ‘Body structure and function’ (ie. movement and mental functions),  42% relate to ‘Activity and participation’ (ie. mobility and self care) and 24% relate to ‘Environmental factors’ (ie. technology, services, systems and policies). These findings were in line with the ICF Core Sets developed for children and youth with CP.

Translation to practice (what this paper adds): The ICF Core Sets can be applied to research, promoting standardized data collection, and therefore facilitating comparisons in multi-disciplinary and multi-setting studies worldwide. The ICF Core Sets are also useful for clinical care, and can be used in developing treatment plans and goal-setting.

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