American Academy for Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine (AACPDM) International Affairs


Composition and Appointment

Members: In addition to the Chair, Chair-elect and Past Chair, the number of members is variable (and between 3 and 17), subject to the needs and recommendations of the Chairperson with the approval of the responsible Board Liaison.



Chairperson: 1 year progressing from Chair-Elect.
Chair-Elect: 1 year, appointed by consensus of Committee, Board Member, and Second Vice President
Members: 3 years, which may be renewed for one additional 3-year term. No member may serve more than 6 years on the Committee unless progressing through a leadership role on the committee.



  1. Provide resources and/or relay interest in service on teams to provide education, training and service in the field of cerebral palsy and developmental disabilities.
  2. Determine criteria and update the International Scholarship Application. Review and grade submitted applications and determine how the funds will be distributed.  
  3. Determine the format of the International Networking Luncheon and invite participants. 
  4. Develop review criteria and review applications for any seed money provided to international meetings. Make a recommendation to the Board regarding international meetings considered appropriate for potential financial support.
  5. At the Annual Meeting, host the International Scholarship recipients.
  6. Report to Board regularly on developments in the international field.
  7. Recommend involvement/affiliations with appropriate international agencies.
  8. Develop lists of international agencies for correspondence and communication, including articles for the Newsletter, Annual Meeting presentation and online course presentation.
  9. Advise Academy on communications or correspondence received related to international affairs. 
  10. Represent Academy at selected international meetings as requested by the Board.
  11. Upon request, assist Scientific Program Committee by soliciting/recommending international presentations at Annual Meeting.
  12. Submit committee member updates (regarding vacancies and new member names) after discussion with and through the Board Liaison who then provide to AACPDM office. All Committee rosters will be updated automatically through the database.

AACPDM Member Travel

Many of our AACPDM members have professional experience in countries other than where they live.  The Member Travel page is designed to help you find other members who have international experience in a specific country. Note: You must be a current AACPDM member to use this resource. 

If you are interested in joining this committee, please complete the Volunteer Application.

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