American Academy for Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine (AACPDM) Nominating


Composition and Appointment:

Chairperson: The Immediate Past President shall serve as Chairperson. If that person is unable to serve, the President will designate another Past President as Chair.

Members: Three members of the Academy elected by the membership through a slate of up to six (6) candidates put forth by the Nominating Committee.

Three members of the Academy elected by the Board of Directors at the Fall Board Meeting.


One year. No consecutive reappointment is permissible.



  1. Determine the open positions that are due for nominations and update the text for the Call for Nominations email. The open positions that are typically due every year include:
    1. One (1) Second Vice-President
    2. Two (2) Directors-At-Large (every 3rd year, four (4) Directors-At-Large)
    3. One(1) Secretary-Elect (every 3rd year)
    4. One (1)Treasurer-Elect (every 3rd year)
    5. Three (3) Members for the Nominating Committee
  2. After nominations come in, determine the final slate of nominees for Board approval. The AACPDM Staff will make available lists of eligible members based on committee service, years of membership, and other criteria to be established during the call. These lists will be distributed to the Nominating Committee to assist in identifying potential candidates. Nominations need not necessarily come from these lists.
  3. Contact the proposed nominees for willingness to accept and serve if elected, prior to the nomination being presented. Staff will verify that they are members in good standing.
  4. Publish the vacancies for the elected offices and the Nominating Committee, and solicit nominations from the membership including brief biographical data. The proposed slate including a brief biographical note will be distributed electronically to all members in good standing, prior to the Annual Meeting. Write-in candidates are permissible on the ballot and the election will be completed online with the final elected officers announced prior to the Annual Meeting.
  5. Submit committee member updates (regarding vacancies and new member names) after discussion with and through the Board Liaison who then provides them to the AACPDM office. All Committee rosters will be then updated automatically through the database.
If you are interested in joining this committee, please complete the Volunteer Application.

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