American Academy for Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine (AACPDM) Publications


Composition and Appointment


Generally an AACPDM Past President, the Chair is appointed by the President for a 3-year term. The Chairperson should serve as Chair-Elect for at least one year prior to taking on the Chair role.    


Appointed by the Chair, and with approval of the Second VP, 6 members. The makeup of the Committee should reflect the interdisciplinary nature of the AACPDM.  Because of the editorial and financial relationships with Mac Keith Press, the Committee should also reflect experience and continuity regarding policy. Members of the Publications Committee shall be members of the Editorial Board of Mac Keith Press. The chair-elect will be ex-officio for the editorial board.


  1. Senior Editor, Mac Keith Press
  2. North American Editor, Mac Keith Press
  3. Editor of the Newsletter, who may or may not be appointed member of the committee.
  4. Other ex-officio members may be appointed as appropriate.



Six years, with a review after three years regarding the continuation of appointments. One member is appointed each year to ensure a staggering of experience on the committee.



The Committee represents the membership in the publication and editorial policies of the Academy’s official Journal: Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, the Newsletter, and any special books or other publications under the auspices of the Academy. Committee members are also generally named to the Editorial Board of Mac Keith Press during their Committee tenure.

  1. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology Journal
    1. Promote subscription to the official journal and recommend ways to enhance subscription.
    2. Solicit appropriate papers for submission for consideration of publication in the journal.
    3. Committee receives, discusses, and acts appropriately when necessary to critique of the editorial policy of the official journal.
    4. Participate in peer review of original papers submitted to DMCN as reviewers.
  2. General
    1. Recommend and implement the dissemination of special books and publications within the competence and interest of the Academy for parents, professionals, legislators, etc. Lists of appropriate readings for parents and for professionals are maintained by ex-officio members under the supervision of the Committee.
    2. Prepare, either collectively or individually, and review as a body, reports and letters to the public and/or its elected representatives in the local, state, or federal legislative bodies on behalf of the Academy for presentation and approval of the Academy and Board of Directors prior to dissemination.
  3. Participate in determining the content of the AACPDM website with the Communications Committee and Board.
  4. Identify authors for a parent handbook on cerebral palsy and other developmental disabilities.
  5. Members of the Editorial Board who reside in the United Kingdom and who attend the AACPDM Annual Meeting will be granted complimentary Delegate registration.
  6. Submit committee member updates (regarding vacancies and new member names) after discussion with and through the Board Liaison who then provides them to the AACPDM office. All Committee rosters will be then updated automatically through the database.


AACPDM offers several different publications to our members throughout the year. To learn more and get started, please visit the Publications page

Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology

Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology (DMCN) is the official journal of the AACPDM and defines the field of paediatric neurology and neurodisability. It is one of the world’s leading journals in the whole field of paediatrics.

Anyone can access articles published one year ago or more in Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, for free!

Non-Member Access

If you are interested in joining this committee, please complete the Volunteer Application.

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