American Academy for Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine (AACPDM) President's Message

It is a great honor to serve as the President for the American Academy of Cerebral Palsy & Developmental Medicine (AACPDM) for 2024-2025. I thank you, the membership, for your continued strong commitment to this Academy and the common vision that we share. I am consistently amazed at the collective efforts and energy of our members, particularly on the AACPDM Board of Directors, Committees, and Councils as well as the engagement of our Special Interest Groups (AACPDM SIGs). I look forward to working alongside all of them this year.

We were excited to return to Canada for the 78th Annual Meeting! The meeting saw nearly 1,000 registrants and we had some great conversation during the educational sessions, free papers, General Sessions and in the hallways - conversation that extended over fantastic food and onto the dance floor.  I would like to acknowledge the efforts of many people who made the 2024 Annual Meeting a success, in particular Drs. Sruthi Thomas and Vedant Kulkarni (Scientific Program Committee Co-Chairs), the Scientific Review Committee who reviewed a record breaking number of abstracts, our Annual Meeting sponsors and all who submitted abstracts and led Pre-Conference Sessions. The Annual Meeting would not have been possible without the tireless dedication of our administrative team - many thanks to them. Planning is already underway for the next Annual Meeting to be held in New Orleans, Louisiana Wednesday, October 15 - Saturday, October 18, 2025. I am confident it will be an outstanding meeting, and hope that you are able to join us.

As we look forward to 2025, I want to share some exciting evolving events:

You are now able to watch highlights from the Annual Meeting on Demand and earn CME.  Please see the AACPDM Social Media Posts and website for more details. The last two years the AACPDM has been able to offer these additional post-meeting educational options, leveraging new opportunities created by expanded use of online meeting platforms and ensuring increased inclusivity in our educational offerings.

We are thrilled to announce the launch of the Emerging Leaders Program. The program will invest in upcoming leaders who can play a role in advancing the health and well-being of all individuals with cerebral palsy and other childhood-onset disabilities. The Emerging Leaders Program aligns with our strategic plan across three of the four AACPDM strategic thematic areas. This program will enrich our talent pool, create opportunities for collaboration address multi-disciplinary needs, contribute to organizational excellence by investing in our rising talent, and will provide an opportunity to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI).

We are also pleased to offer the first ever Diversity Scholarships for underrepresented students in healthcare fields. During the first year of the program, up to a dozen free memberships will be offered. These memberships will also allow for mentoring opportunity. More information will be released in the coming weeks.

Over this next year, members will receive important newsletter and email updates about AACPDM undertakings and initiatives as we further focus on efforts to realize our strategic plan. I am honored to take on the role of President of the AACPDM and I will do my best to serve this Academy that has already given me so much in return!

Laurie Glader, MD

AACPDM 2024-25 President


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