American Academy for Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine (AACPDM) Election & Nomination

This is an excellent feedback and engagement opportunity. Please review this list of transparent dates and outlined policies to help inform your nomination and election decisions.

According to the AACPDM Bylaws and Policies, a slate approach is utilized for the election process. The slate is developed by the Nominating Committee, which comprises both member elected and Board-appointed members. The process of providing a slate for the election is a common method in many professional associations. It is recommended by some as the best way to ensure multi-disciplinary leadership and diversity in specialty field, region, race, ethnicity, etc. 

Policies & Bylaw Highlights

The nomination/election process is defined in the AACPDM Bylaws (Article V – Directors, Section 3. Election of Directors and Term of Office and Section 4. Requirements for Directors) and supplemented by our policy manual. The Bylaws state, “The number of Directors-at-large needed to fill open positions shall be presented to the membership by the Nominating Committee and the election held in conjunction with the Officers election. Directors shall be elected for three (3) year terms. Ex-officio non-voting members of the Board of Directors shall be appointed by the President, subject to the approval of the Board of Directors and shall serve at the discretion of the President and Board of Directors. Director terms and duties will adhere to the current policy manual guidelines. Any candidate for office must have been a Fellow Member of the Academy for at least three years.”

According to the AACPDM Policy Manual, the open call/request for nominations will be emailed to all members in good standing around the first quarter of each year. The call for nominations will be open for thirty days.

After the nominations close, the AACPDM Nominating Committee meets to consider all nominations and eligible candidates. In accordance with the Policy Manual, this may also include lists based on past nominations, committee service, years of membership, and other criteria established by the Nominating Committee. 

During the mid-year AACPDM Board meeting, the slate is presented to the Board of Directors for approval. A vote is then called from the membership annually in June. The vote is open to the membership for 30 days. 

The final results will be announced in August, before the Annual Meeting.

Who Should Be Considered For Nomination?

  • Any AACPDM member may nominate another member (including themselves) for an open position on the Board of Directors;
  • All candidates for office will submit a candidate photo and bio sketch to be included in election materials; and 
  • Staff must verify the candidate's membership status before publishing the slate.

Nomination/Election FAQ

Who can vote? Once the election is open, all Fellow members in good standing will only be allowed to vote with an electronic password through their membership sign-in.

Who should be nominated? Current members and volunteers can help to identify future leaders. Each Board position requires its own set of skills and requirements, but there are also general qualities that are important in board leaders. The candidate should be a proven performer. Candidates should have high integrity, be knowledgeable about the field, be experienced, capable, and be active in the Association. Some of the recommended background and skills include:

  • curiosity and a willingness to learn;
  • ambition and an eagerness to work with others;
  • strong decision-making skills;
  • adaptability;
  • reliability and resilience;
  • ability to take constructive criticism;
  • engaging personality; and/or
  • past participation in AACPDM Committees, Task Forces, or other areas.

Consider those who you think would be energetic contributors to the roles above and who may have an interest in the Board or Nominating Committee. In particular, consider those who you believe have had some knowledge of and experience with our Academy, perhaps through their involvement as a committee member and/or committee chair or through a special project.

Who selects the slate? Annually, the Nominating Committee is responsible for reviewing the nominees, considering them in the context of the balance and diversity of the current Board and the membership, and verifying their willingness to serve. The nominating committee will then put forward a slate for your election. This process is in keeping with our Academy’s bylaws. The Nominating Committee is composed of half-elected members and half-appointed.

Why should someone want to be nominated for these volunteer leadership roles? There are many reasons why involvement with the AACPDM Board of Directors is rewarding. For each person, the reasons may differ; however, a few rewards come easily to mind. In addition to meeting a desire to contribute to the future direction of the AACPDM and to work in support of our members, the Board experience gives an opportunity to gain experience on a not-for-profit Board of Directors, receive academic recognition for these volunteer efforts, and experience many new professional insights as well as gain wonderful personal connections with other Academy members.  

What if the person I nominate is not selected? Thank you so much for taking a few minutes to think about who YOU consider to be excellent candidates for these roles. All nominations will be seriously considered, and your assistance will help build strength in the Academy.  To balance the diversity on the Board, including specialty field and regional representation, a nominated candidate may not be added to the slate in a given year. Those names may be brought forward to the following year’s Nominating Committee for consideration, along with the names of other outstanding leaders.

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