American Academy for Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine (AACPDM) Health Conditions in Adults with CP

Health Conditions in Adults With Cerebral Palsy: The Association With CP Subtype and Severity of Impairments

Citation: Jonsson U, Eek M, Sunnerhagen K, Himmelman K. Health conditions in adults with cerebral palsy: The association with CP subtype and severity of impairment. Frontiers in Neurology, Oct 2021.

Study type/Population: Population based, cross sectional study of 153 adults with CP in Sweden, median age 48 years.

Key Findings: This study confirmed the high prevalence of pain, gastrointestinal (GI) disorders, dysphagia, epilepsy and depression in adults with CP. CP subtype was significantly associated with pain, GI dysfunction and respiratory disorders. More severe physical impairment was associated with GI and respiratory disorders, and also pressure injuries. Intellectual disability (ID) was associated with higher prevalence of GI disorders, pneumonia, epilepsy and pressure injuries, but lower prevalence of pain and hypertension.

Translation to Practice: Preventive care through regular health checks is advised. Those with dyskinetic CP, at GMFCS Level IV-V and/or with ID are at greater risk of the development of GI or respiratory disorders and warrant careful monitoring.

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