American Academy for Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine (AACPDM) 2023 AACPDM Membership Renewal Is Now Open

On behalf of the American Academy for Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine (AACPDM), I want to thank you for your membership and loyalty to the Academy.  Members can renew their dues starting December 15, 2022, and they will be active through December 31, 2023.  We ask that you continue your membership and renew to stay connected to our growing and evolving academy.

The AACPDM is an Academy of over 1,100 health professionals dedicated to advancing the health and well-being of all individuals with cerebral palsy and other childhood-onset disabilities. AACPDM is like no other professional society! The “teamwork” mindset of our members solidifies a worldwide network that provides the most effective outcomes for patients.

Renewing your membership ensures that you continue to receive important benefits, such as:

It’s simple to renew your membership, just log in to the members-only section of the AACPDM website at and follow the instructions. You can also pay by mailing your invoice and check to the AACPDM office or over the phone (414-918-3014) with a credit card. Contact the office if you have any questions at

We thank you for your past contributions to the Academy and hope you will continue with the AACPDM community.  Please help us to grow our AACPDM community by sending this notice to your colleagues. Additional information for potential new members is provided here.


Lesley Pritchard, PT, PhD
AACPDM 2022-23 President

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