American Academy for Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine (AACPDM) Focused Symposia/Current Controversies

All presenters at the Combined AACPDM 73rd Annual and IAACD 2nd Triannual Meeting are required to include a CME Disclosure Slide at the beginning of each presentation. Please use this PowerPoint Slide as a template to ensure all required information is listed. The slide is also a task in the Speaker Harvester system.

All presenters should read and review the AACPDM Presentation Instructions, Tips & Advice document before creating their presentation. Please also ensure your presentation is in person-first language. Download the flyer and brochure for more details.

The preferred slide format is 16:9. Screens at the Annual Meeting will be set for this format and slides submitted in 4:3 will have black bars on each side to fill the screen.

The deadline to submit handouts is August 22nd.

Email instructions to the speaker system will be emailed with your username and password in the upcoming weeks. Please email meetings@aacpdm.org with any additional questions.

Equipment Details

Instructional Courses Receive:

  • Digital Projector
  • Screen
  • Podium and Microphone

Additional Notes:

  • You MUST supply your own laptop (if you are bringing a Mac, you must also bring your own VGA adapter)
  • Your presentation will NOT be pre-loaded
  • Your presentation is required to include a CME Disclosure Slide
  • Audio Visual personnel will be available to assist with your connections to the projector. Please be patient, since they will be managing 5-12 rooms at one time

Handout Details

The AACPDM will not be providing paper handouts for presenters. The deadline to submit handouts is August 22nd.

The files for your handout should not be the same as your presentation. Please ensure your handouts are clear and legible before uploading them. No more than 3 files should be uploaded. Please keep the total of the file size(s) less than 1.5MB. All materials must be in PDF format. Please include your session number and last name in your file name (IC23_Jones).

Please Note: After August 22nd, handout materials will not be included in the mobile app. If you miss the deadline, you may bring your own paper handouts to distribute onsite, as attendees will be expecting additional information. However, it will be your responsibility to make your own copies. In addition, expenses for shipping or photocopying materials for distribution in Anaheim, California will not be reimbursed.

Important Dates

  • May 2019
    Registration Opens
  • July 10, 2019
    Exhibit Booth Application Deadline
  • August 7, 2019
    Early Bird Registration Discount Ends
  • August 18, 2019
    Hotel Room Block Reservation Deadline
  • August 21, 2019
    Online Registration Deadline
  • August 22, 2019
    Presentation Handout Deadline
  • September 18-21, 2019
    73rd Annual Meeting!