AACPDM President’s Message

It is a great honor to serve as the President for the American Academy of Cerebral Palsy & Developmental Medicine (AACPDM) for 2024-2025. I thank you, the membership, for your continued strong commitment to this Academy and the common vision that we share. I am consistently amazed at the collective efforts and energy of our members, particularly on the AACPDM Board of Directors, Committees, and Councils as well as the engagement of our Special Interest Groups (AACPDM SIGs). I look forward to working alongside all of them this year.
We were excited to return to Canada for the 78th Annual Meeting! The meeting saw nearly 1,000 registrants and we had some great conversation during the educational sessions, free papers, General Sessions and in the hallways - conversation that extended over fantastic food and onto the dance floor. I would like to acknowledge the efforts of many people who made the 2024 Annual Meeting a success, in particular Drs. Sruthi Thomas and Vedant Kulkarni (Scientific Program Committee Co-Chairs), the Scientific Review Committee who reviewed a record breaking number of abstracts, our Annual Meeting sponsors and all who submitted abstracts and led Pre-Conference Sessions.
The Annual Meeting would not have been possible without the tireless dedication of our administrative team - many thanks to them. Planning is already underway for the next Annual Meeting to be held in New Orleans, Louisiana Wednesday, October 15 - Saturday, October 18, 2025. I am confident it will be an outstanding meeting, and hope that you are able to join us.
As we look forward to 2025, I want to share some exciting evolving events:
- You are now able to watch highlights from the Annual Meeting on Demand and earn CME. Please see the AACPDM Social Media Posts and website for more details. The last two years the AACPDM has been able to offer these additional post-meeting educational options, leveraging new opportunities created by expanded use of online meeting platforms and ensuring increased inclusivity in our educational offerings.
- We are thrilled to announce the launch of the Emerging Leaders Program. The program will invest in upcoming leaders who can play a role in advancing the health and well-being of all individuals with cerebral palsy and other childhood-onset disabilities. The Emerging Leaders Program aligns with our strategic plan across three of the four AACPDM strategic thematic areas. This program will enrich our talent pool, create opportunities for collaboration address multi-disciplinary needs, contribute to organizational excellence by investing in our rising talent, and will provide an opportunity to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI).
- We are also pleased to offer the first ever Diversity Scholarships for underrepresented students in healthcare fields. During the first year of the program, up to a dozen free memberships will be offered. These memberships will also allow for mentoring opportunity. More information will be released in the coming weeks.
Over this next year, members will receive important newsletter and email updates about AACPDM undertakings and initiatives as we further focus on efforts to realize our strategic plan. I am honored to take on the role of President of the AACPDM and, in this season of American Thanksgiving, ever so grateful. I will do my best to serve this Academy that has already given me so much in return!
Laurie Glader, MD
AACPDM President (2024-25)
AACPDM First Vice President's Update
Congratulations to everyone who contributed to the tremendous success of the 78th Annual Meeting! The stunning backdrop of Quebec inspired us to actively translate groundbreaking discoveries, and we hope you’ve already begun to implement these insights into your practices since the event concluded.
I am both excited and honored to serve on the planning team alongside Dr. Paige Church, MD, and Dr. David Frumberg, MD, who will co-chair the 2025 program. We are thrilled to announce that the theme for the 79th AACPDM Annual Meeting will be “Celebrating Resilience,” scheduled for October 15-18, 2025, in vibrant New Orleans, LA. Resilience manifests in countless ways among our academy members and the families we collaborate with. The 2025 meeting will be an opportunity to share our learnings, grow our skills and knowledge, and celebrate our collective growth.
Keep an eye on your email for upcoming announcements about the opening of our call for abstracts, which will be here very soon! As is our tradition, the deadline for 2025 abstract submissions will be January 31, 2025. We hope you’ll join us to showcase the impactful work you’ve been doing.
Theresa Sukal-Moulton, PT, DPT, PhD
AACPDM First Vice President (2024-25)
Past President’s Reflection: "New Orleans - Unmasking Potential"
In 2025 the AACPDM Annual Meeting will be held in New Orleans, LA. I remember the day in 2018 when I received the call welcoming me to the AACPDM Presidential Line and the meeting I would get to plan would be in New Orleans. I selected two amazing leaders, Dr. Jeremy Bauer and Dr. Joline Brandenburg, to be the Co-Chairs. Outside of having the same initials, they were the perfect combination of leadership, expertise, and friendship to help navigate the upcoming year.
On January 8, 2020 we met in New Orleans to tour the hotel and visit the venues that were under consideration for the Networking Dinner. Jeremy, Joline and I met with the AACPDM staff, toured sites, enjoyed the local food, and reviewed every room of the hotel where we would hold the meeting. The hotel staff laughed in amusement as we pulled out measuring tapes to check if the bathroom stalls were truly ADA compliant, and worked with our amazing local host, Jen Lyman, to test the weight of the doors into the ADA bedrooms. We left New Orleans having shared great food, amazing ideas for the event, and lots of laughs. We had a wonderful plan for our meeting that was under the theme, “Unmasking Potential.” We were also wondering what inevitable and unexpected challenges would arise as we continued finalized meeting plans and prepared for the Annual Meeting. Initially, we thought this was being a new team with a new Executive Director who joined AACPDM just four days before our site visit. Later, when our Senior Meetings Manager informed us that she would be on maternity leave at the time of the Annual Meeting, we thought that perhaps this may be our unexpected challenge. However, as unexpected challenges are unexpected, we did not know the biggest challenge was soon to come.
In March of 2020, the AACPDM Board of Directors held their traditional in-person mid-year meeting in Chicago, IL. I enthusiastically presented the Annual Meeting ideas and plans. The Annual Meeting Program Planning Committee scored and finalized the accepted abstracts. Between these activities, we all talked about the new virus, called “COVID-19” that was impacting China and Europe. We thought this might have an impact on international attendees, but did not know the scope of what this virus would do. Within the three days of the mid-year meeting, things started changing. Large conferences were canceled, hospitals were denying travel, and other impacts of this new virus were being posted on social media and in the news. Yet, it did not feel like this would impact us or the Annual Meeting – after all, our meeting was scheduled in the fall.
Before the end of the month, it was evident that the vision of what we dreamed of for an Annual Meeting would need to shift. An unprecedented pandemic was truly the unexpected challenge we could not have imagined. We initially considered a hybrid meeting and drafted plans for this type of meeting. We held onto hope that we could continue with an in-person meeting and the virtual part of the hybrid would be a backup. However, the rapidly devolving situation and devastation of COVID-19 made it clear that the only option would be virtual or no meeting at all. So, we made a third attempt at planning the Annual Meeting. Over the next six months, my Co-Chairs and I learned more about the virtual world than we ever thought possible, and we spent more time with the AACPDM staff through virtual calls than we had ever imagined. The complexity of our Annual Meeting made the shift to virtual challenging. My Co-Chairs and I were adamant on keeping the spirit of the meeting and as much of the content as possible. We were also doing this planning while having no experience with a virtual Annual Meeting and navigating all the ups and downs of COVID-19 that was impacting the medical field and our personal lives. As you can probably guess, during this time, the AACPDM Board of Directors set a record for conducting more meetings in one year than ever before to help the Academy and support re-imagining the Annual Meeting.
In the end, the AACPDM proved resilient, as has so often been the case. Our “Unmasking Potential” happened, but it was not in the way we had thought. The AACPDM staff made Herculean efforts to keep the spirit and the content of the virtual Annual Meeting as similar to the in-person meeting as possible. It was incredible. I now look forward to the 2025 Annual Meeting in New Orleans. This will truly be one that “Celebrates Resilience.” Dr. Sukal-Moulton and her planning team have many incredible ideas for offerings at this meeting. I know they will expertly navigate the meeting planning and the inevitable unexpected challenges. I relish that opportunity to say hello to friends and colleagues and to celebrate the resilience of our Academy at the Annual Meeting. I may even bring the mask that I selected for the occasion back in 2020. Hope to see you there!
Susan Sienko, PhD
AACPDM President (2020-21)
Thank you – Philanthropy Task Force Update
If you have been a long-standing member of AACPDM, you will have heard the reference to our Academy being like a family.
Nearly 30 years ago, the AACPDM was struggling financially. According to Past President Jeff McLaughlin, by the early 1990’s the AACPDM, which had been overseen by a single administrative individual out of his living room and was out of funds. Dr. McLaughlin asked members to pay their dues a year in advance, and the organization was resuscitated. We are thankful that the numerous board and leaders from 30 years ago started the AACPDM endowment fund for a rainy day. While the economy may be pinching our budget, we are definitely not at the point that Dr. McLaughlin experienced and asking for membership dues in advance!
As we have all experienced in our personal lives, inflation rates have risen by up to 9% since 2018, some sectors of the economy have seen more substantial impacts. In the past six years, the cost of putting on conferences has increased substantially, and it is estimated that meeting costs have skyrocketed by more than 30% from 2018, our last pre-pandemic normal year. The AACPDM is working hard with hotels, vendors and staff to keep costs low for members and attendees, while maintaining the program content and consistency that our Academy is known for.
AACPDM is grateful to those who helped establish our reserve funds years ago. This investment in the future of the Academy has helped us in tangible ways over the years, including:
- offering research grants to junior investigators;
- investing in the start of the Care Pathways publications;
- creating and updating our strategic plan; and
- providing travel scholarships to attend our annual meeting.
In September 2024 the AACPDM Philanthropy Task Force sponsored a webinar to allow members to learn more and to kick off our exciting 2024 Fundraising Initiative. That recording focuses on general information regarding investments, which may be helpful for you in regard to your participation with AACPDM, or some other non-profit organization. This initiative was possible thanks to a recent generous donation in a fund to honor Adrienne and Jerome Kay! They provided an up to $50,000 dollar for dollar match, to the Academy for fundraising efforts in the coming weeks and months.
You may have heard about this initiative at our Annual Meeting, where we provided a call to help us raise at least $15,000 during the Annual Meeting week. We are pleased to report that we exceeded that goal and actually raised $30,000 from the Annual Meeting, leaving us with need to raise just $20,000 to meet our total match! There is a lot of enthusiasm and excitement, and we have nearly 100% Board and staff participation in the event! We are now in the final stretch of raising the necessary funds and every dollar helps us invest in the future of this Academy that we know and love.
This will help reach our goal of $50,000 in matching funds, and increase the number of travel scholarships we can provide to AACPDM Members for future Annual Meetings.
Make a Donation!
M. Wade Shrader, MD
AACPDM President (2023-24)
78th Annual Meeting: Recap & Highlights
The American Academy for Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine (AACPDM) hosted the 78th Annual Meeting in Quebec City, Quebec, Canada on October 23-26, 2024, welcoming 993 in-person attendees, representing 33 countries. The theme for this year’s meeting was “Translating Discovery,” which placed a special emphasis on the journey of discovery from the bench all the way to implementation into everyday clinical practice.
The 2024 AACPDM Scientific Program Committee welcomed 39 Morning Seminars, 39 Mini-Symposia, 130 Free Paper Presentations, 161 Scientific Posters, 45 Demonstration Posters, 17 Clinical Observation or Single Case Study Posters and 8 Preconference Sessions.
AACPDM would like to recognize this year’s award, scholarship, and grant recipients, including:

Exhibitor & Supporter Acknowledgement
AACPDM gratefully acknowledges the Exhibitors and Supporters who contributed to the success of the 2024 Annual Meeting, including:

LifeShots Photo Contest
AACPDM is excited to highlight the top three submissions from the 2024 LifeShots Photo Contest. This contest showcases individuals affected by cerebral palsy and other childhood-onset disabilities as they engage in enjoyable activities, accomplish everyday tasks, or celebrate significant achievements.
This year, AACPDM would like to congratulate the following contest winners:


1st place:
Christopher Kotecki | Ball is Life
2nd place:
Michelle Koepke | Triplets Enjoying Time
Together in the Garden
3rd place:
Virginia Kafer | Trail of BIG Adventure
This year's collection of inspiring photos encourages viewers to overcome their own challenges. All photo submissions were displayed for public voting during the AACPDM Annual Meeting.
The 2024 LifeShots Photo Contest is supported
by the Weinberg Family Cerebral Palsy Center
at Columbia University.

Meet the 2024-25 Committee & Council Chairs
The AACPDM is excited to announce the newly appointed Committee and Council Chairs for the 2024-25 term! The Committees and Councils play a crucial role in advancing the Academy's mission. Each Committee and Council has specific responsibilities that contribute to the Academy's efforts to promote the health and well-being of individuals with cerebral palsy and other childhood-onset disabilities.
Melissa Villegas, MD
Why do you believe committee work is essential within the Academy?
Committee work provides an avenue for members to help support the mission of the Academy. It also further connects members across disciplines and geography.
Joslyn Gober, DO
What are a few goals you hope to achieve this year in your committee?
As a committee, we hope to further improve the process of selecting the best of the best and demonstrate our appreciation for the hard work and commitment given by all those who work for our patients and families every day. |
Complex Care
Anna O. Jesus, MD
Why do you believe committee work is essential within the Academy?
I think our committee work is essential within the Academy because we provide a valuable opportunity and lens through which health care providers can come together, share, and strategize methods of creating multidisciplinary care for children and adults with medical complexity.
Steven M. Lazar, MD, Med
What are you most looking forward to in your upcoming year as Committee Chair?
AACPDM is built on and thrives with its truly interdisciplinary approach for our patients. I have really found a community within the AACPDM that I have not had elsewhere. The patient-forward focus while providing professional support to learners though seasoned practitioners is unparalleled. To have the honor of being able to give back to this community is really what I look forward to most.
International Affairs
Nathan S. Rosenberg, MD
What are you most looking forward to in your upcoming year as Committee Chair?
Taking some steps to improve how we interact with our international members and scholarship winners. Help appropriate scholarships to those in need to attend the meeting in 2025. Additionally, take steps to welcome these scholarship winners and promote their work.
Tracy Pickar, MSW
Why do you believe committee work is essential within the academy?
Committees bring together a diverse group of professionals sharing their own perspectives and working towards furthering the mission and vision of AACPDM. It’s a great way for members to lend their expertise and become more involved in the work of the Academy.
Wendy Y. Pierce, MD
What are you most looking forward to in your upcoming year as Committee Chair?
I am most looking forward to continuing to connect with membership throughout the year with our quarterly interactive webinars. We will also be working with the research committee on a webinar on how to sustain research once the project has started.
Community Council
Jennifer Lyman
Why do you believe Council work is essential within the Academy?
As the saying goes, “nothing about us without us!” We (the Council) are here for insight, guidance, and perspective that is integral to the professional education of the Academy members.
Care Pathways Council
Jilda N. Vargus-Adams, MD, MSc
What are you most looking forward to in your upcoming year as Committee Chair?
As the Chair of the Care Pathways Council, I am looking forward to working with a dedicated and knowledgeable group of Academy members as we finalize the guidance for Care Pathway development. This year, we will review all existing and in-development Care Pathways and update our website to reflect their current status. We also hope to shepherd at least one new pathway through the development process. |
And a special thank you and welcome to:
Adapted Sports & Recreation
Cosmo Y. Kwok, MD
Stacey Chapman Dusing, PhD, PT, PCS, FAPTA
More information about AACPDM Committees and Councils can be found on the AACPDM website.
Membership Renewal is Now Open!
AACPDM Membership renewal is now open! From now until Friday, December 18, 2024, AACPDM is offering a 10% discount exclusively for all Fellow Members. Standard dues rates for Corresponding and Student Members are also listed below.
- Fellow Member (Physician) – $500 per year – $450 until December 18, 2024.
- Fellow Member (Non-Physician) – $400 per year – $360 until December 18, 2024.
- Corresponding Member (World Bank classification for high-income countries) – $100 per year
- Corresponding Member (World Bank classification for low, lower-middle, and upper-middle-income countries) – $50 per year
- Student Member – $50 per year
Renew your membership today to continue to receive these amazing benefits while saving money! Member benefits include:
Visit the Membership page on the AACPDM website to view a full list of member benefits and to renew your membership today!
New this Year – Emerging Leaders Program
AACPDM is excited to announce the launch of the new Emerging Leaders Program, designed to help early-career members develop their leadership skills by connecting with senior AACPDM members.
Program Offerings:
- Monthly informal "drop-in" educational sessions with AACPDM leadership on a variety of topics;
- Participation in a co-reviewing process with leaders of the Scientific Program Committee, allowing you to learn how to score abstract submissions and review research grant applications;
- Recognition at the Annual Meeting, along with networking opportunities;
- And much more!
Up to 10 individuals will be selected to participate in this program. Applicants must be current AACPDM members who are within five years of receiving their terminal degree or completing their professional training.
Visit the Emerging Leaders Program page for more information and to apply today!
Meet the AACPDM SIGs
AACPDM Special Interest Groups (SIGs) are communities within the Academy, created around a shared interest in a particular area of focus, knowledge, learning, technology, or other characteristics of AACPDM membership. SIG meetings are held virtually 1-2 times per year as well as in-person at the AACPDM Annual Meeting.

SIGs offer additional benefits for members, such as access to subject-specific information and resources, educational opportunities, networking, and volunteer leadership opportunities. They serve as an outlet to become more involved within the Academy, and help members carry out the Mission and Vision of the Academy.
AACPDM currently offers the following SIGs to members:
Adults and Aging - sign up here
The Adults and Again SIG discusses issues affecting people with cerebral palsy and other childhood-onset disabilities throughout their entire life, specifically focusing on sharing relevant advocacy and research resources.
Complex Care - sign up here
This SIG is an extension of the Complex Care Committee, which promotes academic discussion regarding complex care delivery and clinical management by sharing materials and publications relevant to clinical, educational, research, and advocacy resources.Adapted Sports and Recreation - sign up hereThis SIG aims to build a supportive network of members who empower individuals with disabilities to access, compete, participate, and excel in adapted sports and recreation, whether in competition or leisure activities.
Technology – sign up here
The SIG welcomes new members to collaborate regarding the use of technology in rehabilitation, how best to conduct research on cutting edge technology, translate this knowledge, enable equitable access to technology for all, and more!
Visit the AACPDM SIGs page to learn more about the work of the SIGs and to sign up today!
Mac Keith Press Highlights

DMCN Editor's Choice:
Neurological assessment tool for screening infants during the first year after birth: The Brief-Hammersmith Infant Neurological Examination
In this paper, the authors aim to develop a short version of the original Hammersmith Infant Neurological Examination (HINE) to be used as a screening tool (Brief-HINE) and to establish if the short examination maintains good accuracy and predictive power for detecting infants with cerebral palsy.
Key papers in Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology this month:
Variables included in cerebral palsy registries globally: A scoping review
In this scoping review, the authors aim to identify cerebral palsy (CP) variables collected in CP registries from high-income countries (HICs) and low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) to assist with the development of a regional CP registry relevant to Africa.
Assessment of functioning in ADHD according to World Health Organization standards: First revision of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health Core Sets
In this paper, the authors aim to conduct the first revision of the World Health Organization's International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) Core Sets for ADHD.
Top podcast
In this podcast, Hank Chambers & Jennifer Byrne discuss the editorial Unmasking the fraud: How paper mills are undermining scientific publishing.

Letter from the Editor
Fall has arrived, marking the beginning of a new membership year for AACPDM. During this season of Thanksgiving, I would like to express my gratitude to everyone who contributed to the success of the 78th Annual Meeting, including attendees, committee volunteers, sponsors, moderators, and presenters. AACPDM is proud to host this premier educational event, showcasing cutting-edge research and providing opportunities for members to reconnect and learn from one another.
Thank you for your continued support and dedication to AACPDM. Please remember to renew your membership and encourage your friends and colleagues to explore the many benefits that come with AACPDM membership.

Julieanne P. Sees, DO, MBA
AACPDM Newsletter Editor